Reasonable Adjustments Policy


  1. Purpose

The Reasonable Adjustments Policy at IT Tutor PRO ensures that clients with disabilities, physical or mental health conditions are provided with the necessary support to avoid substantial disadvantages during training and assessment while working towards CPD certification. This policy outlines our commitment to creating an inclusive learning environment where all clients have equal opportunities to succeed.


  1. Scope

This policy applies to all clients participating in IT Tutor PRO’s training programs and assessments. It is designed to accommodate the needs of individuals with disabilities or health conditions, ensuring they receive appropriate adjustments to facilitate their full participation and achievement.


  1. Definition of Reasonable Adjustments

Reasonable adjustments are modifications or accommodations made to the learning environment, teaching methods, assessment processes, or materials to ensure that clients with disabilities or health conditions are not unfairly disadvantaged. These adjustments are tailored to meet the specific needs of the individual while maintaining the integrity and standards of the CPD certification.


Examples of reasonable adjustments may include, but are not limited to:

– Providing additional time for assessments.

– Offering alternative formats for course materials (e.g., large print, braille, or digital).

– Allowing the use of assistive technologies or personal support aids.

– Modifying physical spaces to improve accessibility.

– Arranging alternative assessment methods or locations.


  1. Requesting Reasonable Adjustments

Clients who require reasonable adjustments are encouraged to notify IT Tutor PRO as early as possible. The process for requesting adjustments is as follows:


4.1 Submission of Request

– Clients should submit a formal request for reasonable adjustments in writing to [email/contact details of the designated contact person].

– The request should include:

– A description of the disability or health condition.

– The specific adjustments needed.

– Any supporting medical or professional documentation, if applicable.


4.2 Assessment of Needs

– Upon receiving a request, IT Tutor PRO will assess the individual’s needs in consultation with the client, considering the nature of the disability or health condition and the specific demands of the training or assessment.

– Additional input from medical or educational professionals may be sought if necessary.


4.3 Decision and Implementation

– A decision regarding the reasonable adjustments will be made within 10 working days of receiving the request.

– Once approved, the agreed-upon adjustments will be implemented promptly, with clear communication to the client regarding how these adjustments will be applied during their training or assessment.


  1. Confidentiality

All information related to a client’s disability or health condition will be treated with the utmost confidentiality. Details will only be shared with staff or third parties involved in implementing the reasonable adjustments, and only with the client’s consent.


  1. Review of Adjustments

– IT Tutor PRO will regularly review the effectiveness of the reasonable adjustments in place to ensure they continue to meet the client’s needs.

– Clients are encouraged to provide feedback on their experience with the adjustments, and any necessary modifications will be made accordingly.


  1. Appeals

– If a client is dissatisfied with the decision regarding their request for reasonable adjustments, they have the right to appeal.

– Appeals must be submitted in writing within 14 days of receiving the decision, and will be reviewed by an independent panel. The outcome of the appeal will be final.


  1. Continuous Improvement

– IT Tutor PRO is committed to continuously improving our approach to reasonable adjustments by staying informed about best practices and legal requirements.

– Regular training and awareness programs will be provided to staff to ensure they are equipped to support clients with disabilities and health conditions effectively.


  1. Review of Policy

This Reasonable Adjustments Policy will be reviewed annually to ensure it remains effective, relevant, and in compliance with current legislation. Any updates or changes will be communicated to all stakeholders.

This policy demonstrates IT Tutor PRO’s commitment to inclusivity by ensuring that clients with disabilities or health conditions receive the necessary support to succeed in their training and assessments.