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Agile Extreme Programming (XP)

15 Course Videos
4.04 Hours
50 Test Questions

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Agile Extreme Programming (XP)

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Dedicated Tutors

4.04 Hours
15 Course Videos

Agile Extreme Programming (XP)

Course Description

4.04 Hours

15 Course Videos

Extreme Programming (XP) is an agile software development framework that facilitates the production of higher-quality software and a higher quality of life for the development team. This course provides a basic understanding of AGILE/XP principles and tools and techniques used in implementing AGILE/XP in a coordinated fashion to ensure successful project outcomes.

Course Syllabus

Module 1 : Agile Principles and Mindset

  1. Agile Introduction XP
  2. Agile Core Principles XP
  3. Lean Product Development XP
  4. Agile Leadership Tasks XP
  5. Agile Communications XP

Module 2 : Value Driven Delivery

  1. Value Driven Delivery XP
  2. Value Driven Delivery XP Part2

Module 3 : Stakeholder Engagement

  1. Stakeholder Engagement XP
  2. Facilitation Tools XP

Module 4 : Team Performance

  1. Team Performance XP
  2. Digital Tools for Distibuted Teams XP

Module 5 : Adaptive Planning

  1. Adaptive Planning XP
  2. Adaptive Planning Part2 XP

Module 6 : Problem Detection and Resolution

  1. Problem Detection and Resolution XP

Module 7 : Continuous Improvement

  1. Continuous Improvement XP

Extreme Programming (XP) is an agile software development framework that aims to produce higher quality software, and higher quality of life for the development team. XP is the most specific of the agile frameworks regarding appropriate engineering practices for software development.

You’re familiar with agile methodologies, but Extreme Programming, XP for short, is still a bit of a mystery to you. It sounds, well, extreme, and you’re not sure that it’s for you. Don’t let that name deter you, though. You’d miss out on a lot of good stuff.

Extreme programming is a software development methodology that’s part of what’s collectively known as agile methodologies. XP is built upon values, principles, and practices, and its goal is to allow small to mid-sized teams to produce high-quality software and adapt to evolving and changing requirements.

What sets XP apart from the other agile methodologies is that XP emphasizes the technical aspects of software development. Extreme programming is precise about how engineers work since following engineering practices allows teams to deliver high-quality code at a sustainable pace.

Extreme programming is, in a nutshell, about good practices taken to an extreme. Since pair-programming is good, let’s do it all of the time. Since testing early is good, let’s test before the production code is even written.

XP, unlike other methodologies, is very opinionated when it comes to engineering practices. Besides practices, XP is built upon values and principles.

Values provide purpose to teams. They act as a “north star” to guide your decisions in a high-level way. However, values are abstract and too fuzzy for specific guidance. For instance: saying that you value communication can result in many different outcomes.

Practices are, in some ways, the opposite of values. They’re concrete and down to earth, defining the specifics of what to do. Practices help teams hold themselves accountable to the values.

For instance, the practice of Informative Workspaces favors transparent and simple communication. Principles are domain-specific guidelines that bridge the gap between practices and values.

Extreme Programming (XP) is an agile framework that emphasizes both the broader philosophy of agile—to produce higher-quality software to please customers—and the more specific goal of making life better for the engineers developing it.

The main characteristics of XP include dynamically changing software requirements; using a small, collocated extended development team; and leveraging technology that facilitates automated unit and functional tests.

XP is designed to help companies meet the needs of customers who might not know or articulate precisely what they need or whose needs may change frequently. In addition, this agile framework is designed to help companies mitigate the risks of managing projects like this with dynamic requirements.

However, things to keep in mind are that XP demands a relatively small development team, requires developers working closely with managers and customers, and requires the team to be able to create automated unit and functional tests.

Extreme Programming (also known as “XP”) is one of the most popular software engineering methods originally introduced in the 1990’s. While many organizations have chosen to utilize “Agile” or “Scrum” as the main buzzword today to describe iterative and incremental development, XP seems to have become less and less understood over the past few years. Many organizations have come to assume that “XP” is synonymous with pair-programming, which not entirely accurate; pair-programming may have become one of the main distinguishing characteristics of XP, but it is only one of the twelve practices that this methodology encompasses.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Instructional methods, course requirements, and learning technologies can vary significantly from one online program to the next, but the vast bulk of them use a learning management system (LMS) to deliver lectures and materials, monitor student progress, assess comprehension, and accept student work. LMS providers design these platforms to accommodate a multitude of instructor needs and preferences.

Online education may seem relatively new, but years of research suggests it can be just as effective as traditional coursework, and often more so. According to a U.S. Department of Education analysis of more than 1,000 learning studies, online students tend to outperform classroom-based students across most disciplines and demographics. Another major review published the same year found that online students had the advantage 70 percent of the time, a gap authors projected would only widen as programs and technologies evolve.

All new learning innovations are met with some degree of scrutiny, but skepticism subsides as methods become more mainstream. Such is the case for online learning. Studies indicate employers who are familiar with online degrees tend to view them more favorably, and more employers are acquainted with them than ever before. The majority of colleges now offer online degrees, including most public, not-for-profit, and Ivy League universities. Online learning is also increasingly prevalent in the workplace as more companies invest in web-based employee training and development programs.

The concern that online students cheat more than traditional students is perhaps misplaced. When researchers at Marshall University conducted a study to measure the prevalence of cheating in online and classroom-based courses, they concluded, “Somewhat surprisingly, the results showed higher rates of academic dishonesty in live courses.” The authors suggest the social familiarity of students in a classroom setting may lessen their sense of moral obligation.

Choosing the right course takes time and careful research no matter how one intends to study. Learning styles, goals, and programs always vary, but students considering online courses must consider technical skills, ability to self-motivate, and other factors specific to the medium. Online course demos and trials can also be helpful.
Our platform is typically designed to be as user-friendly as possible: intuitive controls, clear instructions, and tutorials guide students through new tasks. However, students still need basic computer skills to access and navigate these programs. These skills include: using a keyboard and a mouse; running computer programs; using the Internet; sending and receiving email; using word processing programs; and using forums and other collaborative tools. Most online programs publish such requirements on their websites. If not, an admissions adviser can help.

Frequently Asked Questions

Instructional methods, course requirements, and learning technologies can vary significantly from one online program to the next, but the vast bulk of them use a learning management system (LMS) to deliver lectures and materials, monitor student progress, assess comprehension, and accept student work. LMS providers design these platforms to accommodate a multitude of instructor needs and preferences.

Online education may seem relatively new, but years of research suggests it can be just as effective as traditional coursework, and often more so. According to a U.S. Department of Education analysis of more than 1,000 learning studies, online students tend to outperform classroom-based students across most disciplines and demographics. Another major review published the same year found that online students had the advantage 70 percent of the time, a gap authors projected would only widen as programs and technologies evolve.

All new learning innovations are met with some degree of scrutiny, but skepticism subsides as methods become more mainstream. Such is the case for online learning. Studies indicate employers who are familiar with online degrees tend to view them more favorably, and more employers are acquainted with them than ever before. The majority of colleges now offer online degrees, including most public, not-for-profit, and Ivy League universities. Online learning is also increasingly prevalent in the workplace as more companies invest in web-based employee training and development programs.

The concern that online students cheat more than traditional students is perhaps misplaced. When researchers at Marshall University conducted a study to measure the prevalence of cheating in online and classroom-based courses, they concluded, “Somewhat surprisingly, the results showed higher rates of academic dishonesty in live courses.” The authors suggest the social familiarity of students in a classroom setting may lessen their sense of moral obligation.

Choosing the right course takes time and careful research no matter how one intends to study. Learning styles, goals, and programs always vary, but students considering online courses must consider technical skills, ability to self-motivate, and other factors specific to the medium. Online course demos and trials can also be helpful.
Our platform is typically designed to be as user-friendly as possible: intuitive controls, clear instructions, and tutorials guide students through new tasks. However, students still need basic computer skills to access and navigate these programs. These skills include: using a keyboard and a mouse; running computer programs; using the Internet; sending and receiving email; using word processing programs; and using forums and other collaborative tools. Most online programs publish such requirements on their websites. If not, an admissions adviser can help.

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Extreme Programming (XP) is an agile software development framework that facilitates the production of higher-quality software and a higher quality of life for the development team. This course provides a basic understanding of AGILE/XP principles and tools and techniques used in implementing AGILE/XP in a coordinated fashion to ensure successful project outcomes.


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